Go Nautical: Whale Fin Houseplant

Here on the Treasure Coast, surrounded by the ocean and Indian River Lagoon, we love to get into the nautical spirit. From fish-adorned license plates to West Indian architecture, we fill our lives with daily reminders of living by the sea. Adding a Whale Fin Snake Plant—Sansevieria masoniana—to your houseplant collection is a hassle-free and unique addition that will enhance your nautical motif.

The Whale Fin gets attention for its huge leaves. Broad and contoured, they look like they were taken right off a humpback and stuck in a pot. They stretch skyward, growing slowly, often with only a few fins at a time. It will take patience to experience new fins, but that’s about all you will need to enjoy these unique plants because caring for them is easy.

Once you get your Sansevieria, place it in good light. That’s ideal. It will tolerate low light, but doesn’t really thrive in a dark location. In fact, it can handle a fair amount of sunshine and should be placed in a brightly lit spot with some direct sunshine. That could be near almost any window in a Florida home. Once you’ve chosen a location, thoroughly water it until the water seeps through the pot’s drain holes. Then remove the extra water and let the soil dry out completely. Repeat weekly. It’s that simple.

For the greener thumb, you can propagate Whale Fins on your own. Once you get your first Sansevieria started, get a small new pot, terra cotta is ideal, and fill it with a good draining soil mix – the kind used for succulents and cactus. If your plant has more than one leaf, divide the plant at the roots and place the new plant in its own pot. That’s it! You can also propagate this plant by taking a leaf cutting and putting it in water until it roots or placing the leaf cutting in soil where it will develop roots.

The Whale Fin houseplant adds a unique, tropical look to any Florida home and can be grown by anyone. It survives in almost any light, needs only weekly watering, and can be propagated with ease. Once you get your first one, you’ll be on your way and you’ll probably wonder how your home was ever without a Whale Fin Sansevieria Masoniana.